Looking back at my irrational terror of finding gray hairs on my 23 year old head, I laugh, but I was very upset by it. It's incredibly vain and shallow of me to be so worried about my hair when I have so many other, bigger things to worry about (the economy, mine and my family's health, my classes, etc.). However, my hair has been one of the only things I've liked about my physical appearance for a long time. In fifth grade I got really awkward looking and in the following years I started putting on weight. So I've been a bit insecure about the way I look for a long time. Ever since I was 11, my hair has been one of the only features anyone ever compliments. Even now, as I actively try to lose weight (I've had to tighten my belt once already!), learn how to dress my body in more attractive ways, and learn how to use makeup to play up my features, my hair is the only thing I'm sure I like about my physical appearance at any given moment on any given day.
I think that we all have things about ourselves that we vainly cling to to boost our confidence. For some people it may be their eyes, nose, butt, or boobs. For me it's my hair. It's the only thing on the outside of me that I truly love. And I feel validated, and my confidence is boosted, when I find out that others like it too.
Even when I think about that day in the distant future when I have lost all the weight I want to lose, my first thought goes to the haircut I want to get that would look horribly disproportional on my body now, not about how I will be healthier or able to wear more fun clothes. It's completely outrageous.
I struggle with this vanity I feel. Everything I know tells me that I shouldn't be so preoccupied with looks. After all, it's what's on the inside that counts, right?
Maybe I should just shave my head.
Just kidding -- I died a little inside as I typed that.
Ah, and I search my head for one non-gray hair!
Excellent title. I heart that song. I totally understand where you're coming from on this one, especially about the hair. I really don't know how to fix that though. I know it's what on the inside that counts, but my little voice in my head disagrees....
Sometimes I look for an excuse to shave my head.
Oh honey -- I so understand what you're doing! I intend to go to my grave with L'oreal Light Reddish Blond on the 3 hairs left on my head! Of course I think that vanity is pointless and insecure and probably very spiritually damaging; but you WILL have to pry the dye out of my cold, dead hands, because this is war, and the gray hair is NOT going to win!
Good luck on the weight loss. I'm doing it again myself. Hugs!
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